How Weightloss Works…The Facts!

January 19, 2012
January 19, 2012
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by Paul Dexter, copyright

One of my biggest problems with some of my clients is that some diet so hard for 4-5 days, exercise their butt’s off, go out for one night on the weekend, and never lose weight! Some would actually gain a pound over the course of 4-6 weeks. They would tell me how hard they worked and they can’t believe that they didn’t lose any weight.

I am going to show you all exactly what I told them. It may not be what you want to hear, but it is the truth…plain and simple. It’s all about the math! That is it. No magic pill, no magic diet, no magic ab machine. You simply must burn off more calories, than you consume.


The following are proven scientific facts.

*Fact #1 – You must burn off 3,500 calories to lose 1 pound of fat.

*Fact #2 – Your metabolism will shut down if you don’t eat enough (should eat no less

than 500-750 calories below your maintenance level).

With the above in mind, your goal would be to lower your daily caloric maintenance level by 500. So, for the week you would lose 1 pound of fat just by dieting alone (7 days x 500 calories = 3,500). Combine that with exercise and you could come close to burning off another pound of fat.

Example #1- The Right Way

Client A needs 2,000 calories to maintain her weight of 150 pounds. Her goal is to lose weight, so we reduce her caloric intake to 1,500 per day (-500). Remember, the amount of weight that she wants to lose doesn’t determine the caloric intake. The amount of weight just determines the length of the diet.


Calories                                   Exercise

Monday                       1,500                                       500

Tuesday                       1,500                                       500

Wednesday                 1,500                                       off

Thursday                     1,500                                       500

Friday                          1,500                                       off

Saturday                      1,500                                       500

Sunday                        1,500                                       off

Total                            10,500                                     2,000


Remember, she needs to eat 14,000 calories per week (2,000 per day) to maintain her weight. By consuming 10,500 for the week, she forced her body to feed off 3,500 calories of fat to make up the difference (14,000-10,500).

By exercising with weights and cardio 4x during the week, she was able to burn off an additional 2,000 calories. As I said before, there is 3,500 calories in 1 pound of fat. By burning off 5,500 calories (diet + exercise), she will have lost almost 2 pounds for that 1 week.


Example #2- The Wrong Way


If Client A has the same goals as in the first example but chooses to not pay close attention to her diet she will never lose weight and possibly gain weight.

This is the most common mistake people make. They are extremely good for 4-5 days, and then think 1 “cheat day” won’t hurt them. When I sit down with my clients, I show them this example of how 1 bad day can ruin 6 good ones.


Calories                                   Exercise

Monday                       1,500                                       500

Tuesday                       1,500                                       500

Wednesday                 1,500                                       off

Thursday                     1,500                                       500

Friday                          6,000                                       off

Saturday                      3,000                                       500

Sunday                        1,000                                       off

Total                            16,000                                     2,000


This is the most common example of where dieters go wrong. They “suffer” for most of the week, and think that they can “reward” themselves once or twice on the weekends. What happens is that they become very frustrated because they either don’t change at all, or actually begin to slowly put on weight. This will then lead to most people giving up. What everyone should do is reevaluate their own situation and ask themselves why they are not reaching their goal. Is one night of cheating really worth destroying all the hard work you put in all week – resisting tempting foods, denying yourself ice cream while everyone else eats it, and hours of strenuous exercise. You should set up short term and long term goals so that you can pace yourself. “Reward” yourself at the end when you reach your goal, not after 5 days of hard work.

In the above example, she exercised just as much as in the first example – burning off 2,000 calories, but she will not lose weight. She was very good Monday thru Thursday, and tried to make up for the weekend by going extra low on Sunday. This is the most common mistake people make. They think if they are really good for 5-6 days, they can cheat a little on the weekends. The problem is that there are more calories than you think, in most of the foods and drinks that we consume.

Instead of losing almost two pounds of fat, she stayed the same. She consumed 16,000 calories, while only burning off 2,000 with exercise. Since she needs to eat less then 14,000 calories to lose weight, she stays the same (16,000-2,000). She could have actually put on weight if she didn’t exercise.

You might think that you would never eat 6,000 calories on a Friday, but I guarantee you have done it more than you think. I’m sure you would be surprised to see some of the calories in your favorite treats. If you aren’t losing weight and you think you’re dieting hard, most likely you’re letting one or two days ruin 5-6 good ones – it’s not hard to do.

There is one surefire way to stop this from happening……keep a journal. Every client that I have had write down their foods, logging all the calories consumed, lost weight. This allows you to see where you might be going wrong, and make adjustments accordingly. It is a 100% success rate! Write it down and do the math, it is that simple.

Being strict doesn’t mean you can’t have anything enjoyable. A healthy lifestyle is just that, a lifestyle. You don’t have to sacrifice everything you love, just learn moderation. You can be on a diet and have a beer, or a cupcake. You just can’t have 12, or do it every day! If you are the kind of person who can’t stop at just 1 slice of pizza, recognize that, and stay away from it. Get to know yourself, and your weaknesses, and soon you will be in control and start looking and feeling better.

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